
Flamerobin, una herramienta de administración multiplataforma y de uso libre para Firebird, ha sido liberada en su release 0.8.3, el cual contiene sobre todo mejoras de rendimiento -trabajo más rápido sobre enlaces lentos, proceso más rápido de instrucciones SQL y una rejilla más rápida al trabajar con conjuntos de datos grandes-. En los detalles de esta noticia está la lista de correcciones.

Los detalles de correcciones (tomados de son (en inglés): [i] [b][size=large][font=Helvetica]New features[/font][/size][/b] - Even more detailed query execution statistics showing number of inserted, updated and deleted records for each table - Fully customizable icon theme (you can create you own icon theme for FlameRobin without recompiling anything) [b][size=large][font=Helvetica]Enhancements and Bug fixes[/font][/size][/b] - Optimizations for work over slow networks - Configurable default action for tree items now also allow to SELECT FROM table, view or procedure - Select and Execute for procedures merged into a single action depending on procedure type - Better handling of exceptions, FlameRobin should not 'just crash' on Linux anymore - Added Extract DDL for entire database to Advanced menu - opens directly in SQL editor - SQL Editor: Minor cleanup of menus (both context and main menu) - SQL Editor: Fixed enabling of Delete and Insert icons - SQL Editor: Logging can now optionally be disabled for the current editor window - SQL Editor: Upper or lower case keywords are now a customizable option - SQL Editor: Database path in status bar is no longer overwritten - SQL Editor: Faster and more correct parsing of large statements - SQL Editor: Fixed problem with query plan not being shown for DML statements - ALTER PROCEDURE now keeps objects' descriptions - Tree view: System table columns behave like regular table columns - Tree view: Only show first line for multiline text (computed columns and such) - Tree view: Show special icon for foreign keys - Fixes in generator of selectable stored procedures - Aliases added to generated SELECT queries (makes easier editing afterwards) - DataGrid: Fixed problems with speed when large dataset it loaded - DataGrid: handles Shift+Space to select rows, Ctrl+Space to select columns - DataGrid: deleted rows are not removed, but colored differently until user commits - DataGrid: date and timestamp columns support "NOW", "DATE", "TODAY", "TOMORROW", "YESTERDAY" - DataGrid: time columns support "NOW" and "TIME" - DataGrid: parsing of milliseconds fixed - DataGrid: all the edits can optionally be logged (as if they were statements typed into editor) - DataGrid: date, time and timestamp entry now respects user's formatting - Increased the default size of main FlameRobin window - Option to remember window positions and sizes in now ON by default - Find dialog is left as-is on subsequent searches - Backup file extensions now default to .fbk and .gbk - Backup and restore fixes regarding password entry - Warning message when logging fails - Nicer password dialog - Fixed problem that a random number was shown when index statistics is NULL - Fixed a dialog-loop bug that would pop up a lot of message boxes under some conditions - Fixed crashes when working with objects with long names on Gtk Descárgalo en:[/i]
